Six Tips To Improve Your Live Poker Playing Skills In 2022

Written By Veronica Sparks on February 10, 2022
CT gamblers should follow these tips to improve their live poker skills

After virtual poker games in 2020 and a slew of pandemic restrictions in 2021, live poker is back in a big way in 2022.

Connecticut is no stranger to gambling, and popular casinos like Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun offer an outlet for locals interested in poker. And although it’s not an option yet, it’s expected that online poker will be legalized in the near future.

The poker calendar is ramping up with tons of events for 2022, so if it’s been a hot minute since you’ve played live, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a guide to help you make the right call and avoid some common mistakes while playing live poker this year.

#6 Keep an eye on the other players

You probably don’t need to be told this one, but we’ll say it anyway. Watch everyone at the table!

Getting to know your opponents’ attitudes and tells is incredibly valuable. It could mean the difference between ultimately winning and losing a game.

Observing your opponents throughout the game will tell you:

  • Who is a regular and who is an inexperienced player
  • Which players are tighter and which are more aggressive
  • The players that are zeroed in on the game and the ones that aren’t all that focused
  • The individual tells of specific players at the table

Ultimately, keeping a pulse on your surroundings will assist your decisions regarding who you want to go up against and who you want to avoid.

#5 Move in the right circles

If you’re a serious player and have your eye on going pro, it’s important to insert yourself into the right circles. Avoid spending time with players who look at the game more recreationally and, instead, surround yourself with like minds.

When you’re constantly around people who have the same goals, you’ll be able to learn from each other and grow your poker skills.

#4 Know when to be aggressive in your game

Being cautious certainly has its place in the game of poker. However, being too timid can easily cost you some big wins.

Consider ramping up in 2022 and getting a bit more aggressive. A good way to start out is by raising bets pre-flop. This will force opponents to drop out so you’re up against fewer hands.

You can also start raising more often post-flop. The more money that goes into the pot, the bigger your bankroll will get. It’s as simple as that.

#3 Don’t take live poker too seriously

If it’s been a while since you’ve been in a live game, don’t make the mistake of taking it too seriously. Not only will this be stressful for you, but you could alter the atmosphere of the game overall.

If you’re looking to go pro, your bread and butter lies in newbie players. They’re probably already timid about the game, so it’s important to get them comfortable so you can read them better.

You want new blood at the table on a regular basis. That’s the best way to make your living in poker. That’s why you should open up, joke around, and be talkative at the table.

Don’t chase away amateur players by shutting off and zeroing in too hard. That’s intimidating to a fledgling player, and they won’t return to give you more of their bankroll.

#2 Know your strengths and play with them

Probably the most detrimental mistake you can make is picking the wrong game. Particularly if you’ve been out of the live game for a while, it’s important to play to your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

It’s a good idea to scope out the room for a while before committing to a game. Watch out for professional card players and avoid those games.

Pick a game in which you’ll be comfortable with the experience level of the players, the atmosphere they’re creating, and the bankroll required.

#1 Don’t overextend your bankroll

Speaking of bankrolls, don’t make the mistake of blowing yours too soon. It’s a good idea to initially choose games with a buy-in that’s only a small portion of your budget.

That way, if you’re still a bit rusty, a poorly planned bluff or a mistaken assumption on another player won’t hit so hard. Those big buy-ins might be tempting but refrain for a while until you’ve got your bearings.

2020 was a tough year with the widespread absence of live poker, and 2021 wasn’t much better with all the restrictions. Going into 2022, get focused on what you need to do to play better poker and earn some major cash while gambling in CT.

Photo by John Locher / Associated Press
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Veronica Sparks

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